Monday, September 24, 2012

Mirror, Mirror, Mirror On the Wall Diana Ross is the Fiercest of Them All

Excuse me while I turn on It's My House, now I can proceed.
Diana Ross has always been apart of my family. She's never came over for dinner or any family functions, however a large picture of her was always in our family album. For the longest I thought it was a picture of my mother. When I was about seven  I asked my mother how old she was when she took the picture. She laughed and said that's Diana Ross. See my mother is a huge Diana Ross fan. If you're in her house and you say a negative thing about Diana you will get it! Back in the Supreme days my mother looked to Diana for fashion inspiration and boy my mom could have been mistaken for her or at least her sister.
After years of looking at her albums covers  I was always enchanted by her tyle. Sexy and Chic never trashy.
When I saw her in the movie Mahogany I fell in love with her wardrobe. Her look in this movie can never be recreated. I'm sure the costume designer had to pat himself or herself on the back after completion. Berry Gordy did a superb job on this movie. Great fashion and great plot. Who can ask for anything more?
After I post this blog I'm going to watch Mahogany for the 99th time.

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