Tuesday, September 18, 2012


. When I was a child I use to get Madonna and Cyndi Lauper confused. I still don't know why.  My confusion was stopped by my big sis. She told me Madonna wears lace and Cyndi has colorful hair.
 I now know why I was confused. These Queens of Pop had a New York Style about them and they were changing the face of music.
Jump to the first grade talent show. I had never really heard her music because Menudo, MJ, and Devo ruled in my home thanks to my siblings. My school had a talent show and a girl danced to Lucky Star. My classmates were so excited she was dancing to Madonna. After hearing the song I understood. I felt out of the loop.
I think my teacher was a Madonna fan, because everyday she would tell my classmate she looked like Madonna. She said, it so much the girl started wearing a Madonna shirt.
When Who's That Girl came on video my sister rented it. When she popped in the VCR and pressed play I was confused. I told my sister I thought Madonna was in this movie that’s Marilyn Monroe. After my sister explained Madonna's new look I was ok. I really liked her look in the movie. She looked fierce.
After watching the movie I slowly became a fan of Madonna's music and style. As a teen I was always looking forward to seeing her. To be honest we have never seen a piece of work like Madonna before. On second thought the Mona Lisa is first. You have to give credit where credit is due.
Now that I'm a fashionista I've done my research of Madonna's style. I love her early days as an up and coming artist in New York. She represented the unique style New Yorkers had back then...the Downtown Style.
We all know Madonna has changed her style through the years. She brings a new meaning to reinvention.  We all have our favorite looks. I often wonder what her look will be in her senior years. Will she give Tina or Iris Aphel a run for their money? Time will tell.
 I dedicate my post to the Material Girl MADONNA

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